Photo published in The Dallas Times paper
Challenge: To photograph the keynote presentation and publish online immediately. One of these photos was used for the local paper The Dallas Times.
Contribution: Photographer.
Applications: Canon 7D.
Photo published in The Wall Street Journal
Awarded ASI Presidents Award
Challenge: Saved the company money by developing inhouse solutions for all our video filming and editing needs. Saved money finding alternative solutions to display our video content on show site.
Contribution: Learned video software and trained the team.
Applications: Canon 5D. Adobe Master Suite.
Awarded ASI Presidents Award
Challenge: Saved the company money by developing inhouse solutions for all our video filming and editing needs. Saved money finding alternative solutions to display our video content on show site.
Contribution: Learned video software and trained the team.
Applications: Adobe Master Suite.
Won Second Halloween Contest at ASI
Challenge: Getting the whole team to participate in Halloween costume contest.
Contribution: Came up the theme and coordinated everyone’s participation…
Applications: Acrylic Painting.
Won Pumpkin Carving Contest at ASI
Challenge: Carve a pumpkin with fun theme.
Contribution: Created Cinderella’s Pumpkin Chariot.
Applications: Carving tools.
Art of the Can Redbull Contest – Magic Red Bull
Challenge: Design a sculpture using the imagery of the can or the can itself.
Contribution: Designed Magic 8 Bull utilizing a ceramic bulls head and the innards of the Magic 8 Ball.
Applications: Paint, foam, glue and other various tools.